• phoenixz
    10 months ago

    Best batteries? Nope

    Best engineering? LULZ, oh hell no. Tesla is known for crappy production quality.

    Best self driving technology? If you count elon’s lies, sure! If you don’t count those then telsas are a great tool to drive yourself off a cliff. Elon claimed full level 5 self driving over 5 years ago IIRC, yet even today they barely are level two and there are other brands with better self driving

    Is it Elon? Well that too. Elon Musk, first of all is an antisocial asshole loser who requires his employees to be slaves, who called hero rescuers (one of which died in the attempt) pedophiles because they didn’t wanted his shit ideas, and I could go on. Moreover, though, Elon Musk is a scammer.

    Yes, he is a scammer.

    He was fired for being incompetent and then got lucky with company shares. But really look at it. Look at the ideas HE comes up and ideas that his employees come up. His ideas are all suicidal, or plain dumb and show an even highschool level of engineering knowledge. Yet people believe him when he claims he’s the best engineer in the world. He comes up with shit ideas that will never happen (hello Hyperloop!) and people lapnit up. Hyperloop had unto 100 billion invested world wide in various projects, which all went nowhere because the idea is just utter stupidity. Any highschooler should be able to be critical enough to poke so many holes in that shit that it’s a joke, yet universities went with it, investors went with it, actual engineers that should know better went with it… And everyone who just even dated to ask questions was made out to be an Elon hater. It. Is. Stupid. It literally can not and never will work.

    Yet here we are. People still support this douche nozzle.

    Telsa is MAJORLY overinflated in value like holy shit overinflated. They’re worth more than the top three car manufacturers that combined produce hundreds, if not thousands more car than Tesla does. How? If that doesn’t make alarm bells go of in your head then I don’t know what to tell ya. Tesla quality is bad, and repairs and maintenance is enormously expensive and resale value is low. Most tesla owners are not happy owners.

    Cyber truck is a shit joke. Will never happen. Nuclear bomb proof glass? Like wtf? Great idea Elon! Awesome when you’re in an accident and stuck in a burning car and nobody can get you out. Also that design won’t ever be sold at least in Europe because it’s inherently dangerous for anyone outside that brick. Cars need to crumple and stuff to keep pedestrians safer when they get hit. Talking about crumpling, that super stiff frame is going to be awesome for the occupants as well in a crash. Hit a tree and the car is fine! All the occupants are dead mush, but who cares about them? They’re dumb Elon lovers anyway, just hose them out and resell that brick (and no, I don’t want anyone to die but dear god people, think for a second). All of that would be dumb if it would actually work, which it doesn’t. Actual pickup trucks are not held together by ducktape (not kidding) and outperform this piece of crap in every metric by factors.

    Cyber truck? Well apparently it has a great cup holder because they can’t stop talking about those friggin cupholders, but the thing that matters, capacity, range, maintenance? Closely guardes secrets because it all sucks.

    Elon’s AI robotics? Showing off great tricks like having a robot standing statically and move blocks around with one arm (and even that video was likely staged, as elonn tends to do) . Great first years student project elon buddy! Meanwhile Boston dynamics, an actual tech company has robots doing backflips, getting kicked around while keeping their balance and continuing their tasks, and they can dance in unison. Seriously, Boston dynamics robots would be scary if battery capacity and energy production weren’t such huge hurdles to overcome…

    Elon Musk solar roofs? Was all a scam for which he was convicted. Lies after lies.

    Twitter? Lol. Buy it for twice the cost, requiring you (Elon) to borrow billions because youay be rich, but you don’t have billions) then make twitter lose half its value within a year. Good luck with paying off the debt payments that are in the billions, asshole!

    Also to clarify: His VALUE was in the 160 billion or so range because of his stocks in the 100-1000 times over valued Tesla company, the actual money he has is probably more into the tens of millions.

    I can go on for a long, LONG time but yeah. Tesla as a brand sucks, Elon Musk is an asshole, liar and scammer and it’s nice to finally see that other people are catching on!