Carney bringing that BDE while dealing with no pee pee rump!
dani smith is a fucking traitor
Im not american, so I cannot show up. But I will be supportive of anyone doing so!
I feel for ya. I hope things start to turn around down there but it seems like that will only happen if the people unite. Everyone needs to go on general strike. Shut everything down!
Im going to say doubtful. Seeing the size of other protests in other countries, it really shows how little murica cares that they are going fascist
Muricans have died with a whimper. They would literally let this guy butt fuck them without any push back
I will never return to that shithole again!
dani smith is a traitorous cunt
Jan 6th = tourists Tesla protests = Terrorism
So much freedumb in murica!
Unlike some, im willing to meet them in the mud
Murica is one giant shithole!
Murica hates education!
What a junk of shit. No wonder kudos but it!
He’s afraid of non white people
What do we call the Herman cain award now?
His parents are siblings